Why Journal?
Why Journal?
Daily journaling is an excellent way to check in with yourself and have an outlet for the thoughts, ideas and creations that you have floating around in your head.
I used to the kind of gal who kept a diary, it was usually filled with musings on the day that had just passed and the boys I fancied. It wasn’t until 3 years ago when I was introduced to The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron that I began to look at writing in a different light. Every day you are required to write 3 pages of whatever is in your head first thing in the morning. At times I resented having to stick to 3 pages, especially when my notebook was A4. However, getting into the habit of writing daily was a very helpful practice and one I continue to do today.
I use my journal as an outlet for frustrations, questions, inspiration, manifestations and to check in regarding big life decisions such as moving to Barcelona.
My journal is a safe space which I can pour my thoughts and feelings into so that everything has an outlet.
Daily Prompts
I try to write every day, preferably in the morning as my mind is at it’s clearest.
I include…
the date
the day of my monthly cycle
a gratitude list
how does my energy feel; am I tired, vibrant etc
what do I want to manifest (written it in the present tense e.g. ‘I am so glad I’m financially abundant’
what is on my mind at present?
what do I need to let go of?
Enjoy The Process
Some days I don’t feel like writing and only a few words come out, some days the writing simply flows. Go with the energy of the day, but even if it’s a few short sentences you will start to get into the habit then it becomes second nature.
All you need to get started is a notebook and pen, so why not begin tomorrow morning and try the prompts above to get going.
Let me know how you get on!