Podcast Recommendations To Inspire You

I have to thank my partner Gerard for introducing me to the world of podcasts. Up until a year ago or so I just saw that little purple symbol on my iphone as something that took up unnecessary storage.....Anyway, now I am fully blown convert and really enjoy discovering new hosts who chat to interesting and inspiring guests. Plus all of these podcasts are totally FREE. So without further ado these are my top 6 podcast recommendations and episodes not to missed.

1. Yogaland by Andrea Ferretti

"Andrea Ferretti spent more than a decade as an editor at Yoga Journal interviewing inspiring yoga teachers, creative thinkers, and wellness experts. Now, on Yogaland, Andrea talks to insightful people about all things related to yoga and the path of self-awareness. From how yoga is being used in schools, to how it rewires our brains, to nitty gritty anatomy advice, to the simple ways it helps us navigate emotions. Yogaland is a dose of weekly inspiration that focuses on creating a happy, healthy, meaningful life."One of the reasons I love Andrea's podcasts is because she has such balanced, unbiased conversations with her guests where I feel she covers all angles. She has a dreamy voice which I could listen to all day and her well rounded experience as a journalist and long time yoga practitioner make for really thoughtful conversations.Not to be missed - All of her episodes with her husband Jason Crandell. He is a fantastic teacher and offers brilliant, thorough advice for teachers and students alike. They've just run a summer series with topics covering forward folds, hips, shoulders and more, first episode released 18/06/17. Check out her latest episode with long time Ashtangi practitioner Kino McGregor released 16/08/17. Kino is so articulate regarding her take on the essence of yoga, I'd recommend it to anyone who is curious about how yoga is so much more than a physical practice.

  2. The Tim Ferris Show

"Each episode, I deconstruct world-class performers from eclectic areas (investing, sports, business, art, etc.) to extract the tactics, tools, and routines you can use.  This includes favorite books, morning routines, exercise habits, time-management tricks, and much more."Not to be missed - I've got to give credit to Gerard for this one for bringing Tim's work into my life. Tim interviews experts in their field and goes above and beyond to research his guests. I've recently really enjoyed his interview with marketing expert Seth Godin, mostly for Seth's infectious enthusiasm, released on 10/02/16. For those interested in demystifying vulnerability be sure to listen to his interview with vulnerability researcher Brene Brown realeased 27/10/15.

3. The Zone by Tom Evans

"The Zone show explores how we can get in and stay in the zone where we perform at our peak. It's hosted by author and creative catalyst Tom Evans. The shows cover a whole range of enlightening topics and touches on many eclectic themes."

This is a new addition to the list and is fast becoming my go-to podcast. Tom is an author, meditation teacher and former BBC engineer. His style of interviewing is relaxed, and in the mostly 30 minute conversations, he manages to get under the hood of what makes people tick and operate at their best. When I list to it I feel like I'm there in the room with them. I'd highly recommend episode 16, 'You Are The Brand' with Janey Lee Grace.

4. Free Cookies by Kathryn Budig and Kate Fagan

"Kate Fagan and Kathryn Budig provide delicious takeaways and inquisitive moments around sports, lifestyle, wellness and their relationship."Not to be missed - I've admired Kathryn's fun style of yoga teaching and down to earth attitude for quite some time now. Her podcast with Kate is light-hearted and fun. The episodes are fairly brief so they're good for shorter commutes. Don't miss their interview with Seane Corn from 28/06/17. Seane offers some real pearls of wisdom about passing down your knowledge as a more experienced teacher to those asking you for help and advice, a must listen for everyone, no matter what industry you're in. Whilst you're there take a listen to Taryn Toomey's interview on 19/07/17 and get to know her approach for crushing your inner critic.

5. Tara Brach

"Tara Brach is a leading western teacher of Buddhist (mindfulness) meditation, emotional healing and spiritual awakening. Tara shares a weekly talk on Buddhist teachings and practices. Visit http://www.tarabrach.com for more information."Not to be missed -  'Love is Always Here' released 21/07, a beautiful hour long lecture and guided meditation on recognising  and appreciating all the love in our lives. If you're interested in spirituality then I would highly recommend spending some time to listen to Tara's lectures.

6. From The Heart by Yoga Girl

"Weekly episodes of storytelling and talks from Rachel (sometimes alongside special guests!) will dive into topics such as love, trust, finding balance, overcoming adversity and of course, yoga and well-being."Not to be missed - I was particularly impressed by the interview with Isabella Lowengrip. Lowengrip is a strong, inspirational entrepreneur, businesswoman and mother of two children who has the most visited blog in the whole of the Nordics with more than one million visitors a month. If you want to be seriously impressed and inspired then have a listen to Isabella's interview released on 07/07/17.So there you have it, my top 6 podcast recommendations. I'd love to know what you're listening to right now. Pop your top podcasts in the comments below. Happy listening!  


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