I am Fearless
Today I feel fearless. I saw this photo below of me surfing in Indonesia in 2010. I got a helping push onto the wave but I said 'yes' to it, paddled for it, saw the mound coming towards me and I went for it. Over the years my fear of taking bigger waves on my own has just grown and grown rendering me unable to just 'go'. My mind has built up a block that feels impossible to push beyond.Today I had a conversation about regretting giving up gymnastics as a child. I left because I felt inferior, not good enough and jealous of those around me who performed better in the competitions. Back flips, handstands and the splits became distant memories of the past.Today I practiced handstands in the park. I lent that little bit further over my shoulders and I felt more air time than ever before. That little fear point lingering close! But I'm not fearful of falling backwards. Maybe it's the fear of actually holding it, of being suspended in air for a moment with one way or the other to go.Today I went to calisthenics and instead of thinking 'I can't' I thought 'I can'. I can do this. If I can't quite get there I will damn well try. I will try and just see what happens. Because I am here and I am strong and I am fearless.Today I spent time with my partner and enjoyed every moment of it. We drank tea and ate cake and kissed and connected. I used to feel fear, fear of the 'what if' and the questioning myself, him and us. Then I realised that I didn't have to feel this way. Over years I had become conditioned to ignore my feelings and push them away. Now I know I have a choice to embrace this man and everything we have. That we are a partnership and it's ok to be vulnerable together. That we learn from each other. That nothing is perfect. That relationships ebb and flow. But that we have love and each other and the space to grow together.I've allowed myself to feel inadequate, never quite good enough. Any success always lined with a thin layer or anxiety. Sometimes feeling like my own worst enemy and critic. In jobs where I looked to others to hold responsibility. To think I couldn't do something. It's incredibly exhausting and demoralising. The constant loop of challenge, lack of attempt, feelings of failure wore me down. I've always noticed improvements in others before recognising my own.These fears don't disappear over night. But jeez Alice you can do it. You are more than capable. You are fearless. Small steps, however minute are so much more motivating than taking the 'safe', comfortable option. Appreciate how far you have come, and inch by inch just try, you will never know how it feels otherwise.So thank you for today. Right now I feel fearless.