Increasing Observations

There can be so much focus that the bigger mass of who we are is temporarily lost. Sometimes my eyes are down and fixed and I unwillingly ignore the magic around me.Be open and switch off to tune in. Be open to new things and follow your passions because otherwise what are we doing?Do your work with love and offer gratitude for the pleasant in equal measure for the things that challenge us.I wrote this musing yesterday after my second day of prenatal yoga teacher training. There was a moment of deep realisation today during day three. We were given a task in groups of three to be the talker, listener and observer. With each person taking it in turns to be one of the three. The topic was 'yoga mother'. In between each person talking we sat for an equal amount of time to absorb. 35 women sitting in silence. Except it wasn't silent because the hum of vibrations was all around us. The peacefulness, the understanding and appreciation was almost tangible.We had to pick which postion we felt most comfortable with and which least comfortable. I loved listening. I found the position of observer difficult. Then that magic moment, CLICK. I turned the pages and there was the musing above. I NEED to observe more. Maybe in the sense of my yoga classes; getting off the mat, demoing less, looking more. Or perhaps observing more prenatal classes. Or maybe it's just being more present in each moment. Putting the phone down. Looking up because there is so much beauty to see.Life has changed so so much in the past year, especially in the past five months. Times have been hugely rewarding and challenging. Ultimately I have grown more than ever before. I have been consciously making an effort to appreciate everything. From the hot shower in the morning to the mattress bought for me. I am so lucky to have my support network, food in my belly and money in my bank account. I offer up gratitude for the smallest of things and I feel so much happier for it. Never take for granted the small things yet always look to the bigger landscape.


Exhale 2015 - A Tale of Community

