Proud - India Rose
“When one woman puts her experiences into words, another woman who has kept silent, afraid of what others will think, can find validation. And when the second woman says aloud, ‘yes, that was my experience too,’ the first woman loses some of her fear.” Carol ChristIt´s funny how you can stumble across a quote which just perfectly sums up a pivotal moment in time.Last week my dearest darling India stood up in front of a mix of our friends and those she didn´t know and so bravely read an extract from her diary and experience of Bulimia. This was a huge step for her on many accounts, I don´t think I can do it justice in describing what this moment meant to her. But what I do know is to publicly 'admit' that you´ve suffered and have lived through this time and come out the other side is a HUGE step. I've known India for 12 years and throughout this time she has been nothing short of bold, brave and an incredible person. We've always been close and by strange twists and turns of fate both found ourselves starting the journey of adult hood with eating disorders.But just like every human is different, our experiences took us down very different roads. Whilst mine has been in the public sphere for the past three years India has never told anyone beyond those closest to her. That´s fucking tough. How can we ever know the suffering going on behind a person´s beautiful exterior? To see someone you love in pain is terrible, and to see them come out the other side is just, well, amazing. What i've learnt from India is to be a shoulder and an encourager. An encourager to keep fighting, to know there are better times ahead and a life that can be free of eating disorders.If sharing your experience helps one person that it makes it all worth it right? Knowing you're not alone, that someone understands. I am very proud to say that India´s incredible words are here On her blog you will find words of understanding, of thoughtfulness, of openness, of contemplation and above all, inspiration.For my badger, I am endlessly proud of you xx